Understanding the Difference Between Full and Partial Dentures

Understanding the Difference Between Full and Partial Dentures

One of the most common dental procedures is the replacement of a missing tooth or teeth. Dentures are the most popular solution for this problem, but they come in two different types: full and partial. To some patients, it may not be clear what the difference is between the two and which type may be right for them. Today, we’re going to delve into the difference between full and partial dentures and how to determine which may be the better option based upon individual circumstances.

Full Dentures vs. Partial Dentures: What’s the Difference?

A full denture is a removable prosthetic device designed to replace an entire arch of teeth. They come in two types: immediate and conventional. Immediate dentures are placed right after the teeth are removed, while conventional dentures are placed once the gums have healed after extraction. Full dentures require that patients have no natural teeth remaining in an arch.

A partial denture is also a removable prosthetic device designed to replace teeth but only in certain areas of the mouth where natural teeth are missing. Typically, partial dentures are used when only a few teeth need replacing.

Which Type of Denture is Right for You?

The preference between partial and full dentures often depends on the number of teeth which need replacing. If more than a few teeth need replacing, a full denture may be the better option. If a patient still has healthy teeth but is missing a tooth or two, then a partial denture would probably be the better option. Without professional advice, it can be hard to determine which type of denture is best, and it’s important to make sure that the right decision is made.

Tips for Caring for Your Dentures

Regardless of whether you decide to go with full or partial dentures, the important part is to always maintain good oral hygiene and care for them. Dentures can last a long time with proper care and maintenance, including regular cleanings, keeping them clean of debris, and ensuring they fit snugly to prevent irritation or sores in your mouth.

Contact Us Today!

Choosing between full and partial dentures should be based on the patient’s circumstances. Both options have their unique benefits, and consulting with a dental provider can help make the decision less overwhelming. Regardless of which type of denture a patient chooses, it’s crucial to always take proper care of them to maintain oral health. So, if you’re looking for high-quality dental services, look no further than OG Dental, where we provide excellent denture services and a variety of other dental treatments that cater to our patients' unique needs.