If you’ve recently had root canal therapy and you’re experiencing sinus problems, this may be an indicator that treatment was not successful. Though minor sinus problems are nothing to be concerned about after a root canal, more severe, prolonged issues may be. Here’s everything you need to know about sinus problems and root canals:
Your upper teeth are supported by roots that are very close to your sinus lining and sinus cavity.
Because of this, sinus pain is actually very common before root canal therapy. If you have an infected upper tooth, the bacteria from the tooth can spread into the sinus lining, causing symptoms that are similar to sinusitis. Removing the source of the infection with root canal therapy can help treat this issue.
If you had sinus problems before your treatment due to an infected tooth, it may take a few days for your symptoms to go away. This is normal. However, if you were not feeling any sinus-related issues before your treatment with root canal therapy, it’s possible that your dentist opened up a “sinus communication.” This is a term that refers to a very small hole in your sinus lining.
While your dentist is cleaning out the bacteria from inside your tooth, they will use special dental tools to remove decaying tooth material. Since the root of the tooth and your sinus lining are so close, it’s possible to accidentally puncture the lining during this process.
If you have a sinus communication, you will likely experience symptoms like feeling air rush over your tooth when you breathe, and mild congestion or sinus pressure, which could cause pain and discomfort.
Luckily, your sinus lining can heal on its own if the puncture is small enough, so your discomfort should go away fairly quickly.
Not all sinus communications are small. Larger holes in your sinus lining may not be able to heal on their own. If you continue to experience discomfort and pain in your sinuses for more than a week after treatment, you should see a dentist for a follow-up appointment.
In addition, a root canal that was performed incorrectly could result in the infection continuing to spread in your upper tooth. Over time, it could reach your sinuses and cause a sinus infection. If you notice sinus issues and your tooth continues to hurt after root canal treatment, schedule an appointment to get the care you need.
If you suspect that your root canal caused a large sinus communication or you think that your dentist did not perform your root canal properly, Dr. Sean O’Grady is here to help. We can offer second opinions in Denver, and Dr. O’Grady has years of experience in root canal therapy and endodontic treatment. Contact us now at (720) 551-6580 to get started, or stop by our office at 4402 Umatilla Street, Denver, CO 80211.